Saturday, January 9, 2010

Christmas 2009 in Hawaii

This years Christmas was a special one because all of our family was together. Mark and I traveled to Hawaii on 23 December and were met at the airport by Amanda and Gil. We drove to their house where Bob and Lee were waiting for us. They has arrived the day before. We then took off to check in to our rental, get cleaned up and get back to Amanda and Gil's for dinner.

The next week was spent eating, laughing and having fun with everyone. Marisol, Big Gil, Brian and Anthony were also there for Christmas. Christmas morning was a lot of fun with so many people and so many gifts. It was a lot of fun watching everyone open their gifts and seeing Kai's reaction to all the action. She was so well behaved and was not phased at all by all the noise and laughter.

Amanda and Gil made a great Christmas dinner for all of us. We helped with some side dishes, but they did the turkey and ham, and it was delicious. They did such a great job having to cook for so many people.

We had a busy week in Hawaii and everyday was filled with things to do. We went bowling, got to see the surfers on the giant waves on the North Shore, went to the Polynesian Culture Center, Jimmy Buffet's for lunch, Pearl Harbor, had a BBQ Ribs cook off, played cards and Wii games, and just enjoyed each company.

Overall, it was a great vacation because we got to spend it with family. It was exhausting though. We got upgraded on our trip home and I slept on almost every flight. Our first night home I slept 15 hours!!! It felt so good!!

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