Friday, August 13, 2010

Comedy of Errors

WOW, things have really changed since I had a baby. There is SO much information out there now and so many things have changed in 28 years. Now, change is not a bad thing, it is actually very good. Medicine has come a long way and child development experts are always learning something new. This can only make for a better life for all the future children out there.

BUT, how did so much change? I mean...."tummy time?" We used to just throw a blanket on the floor and put the baby on it. Didn't know there was a name for it. :) And then, all the STUFF. Amanda and Aubrie will be staying with us for three months, so I had to buy something for Aubrie to sleep in. I decided to buy a Pack n' Play lite on craigslist. I finally got one today. That was easy enough. Yea! Well, not so fast. I tried to put it together and had a few problems. So, I called Amanda since she had already put hers together. We got on Skype so I could show her what my problem was. Well, first mistake...I did not buy what I wanted. I wanted a Pack n' Play lite and I got a Pack n' Play, which is larger. Oh well, we can still use it.

I finally got the whole thing put together to include the changing pad and the mobile. Aubrie will fit in it just fine. Mistake number two....Aubrie may fit, but the darn thing would not fit through the bedroom door.  So... I had to take most of it apart fold it up a bit and then push it through the door and set it all back up again.

It is now all together and it will work out well. Now we just need a baby! :)

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